School Alert: Pasco County

The Pasco Sheriff’s Office has received more than 100 school threat related calls for service in the last two weeks. This trend unfortunately continues and, overnight, Pasco Sheriff’s Office arrested a River Ridge High School student in connection to online threats directed towards Mitchell High School, River Ridge High School, Gulf High School, Fivay High School, Hudson High School, Hudson Academy and River Ridge Middle School.

The student was charged with written threats to commit a mass shooting, two counts of disruption of school function and violation of probation. The student also impersonated school officials and sent a false message to the student body regarding the presence of a student with a firearm and insinuated that the school would be locked down. This message was not from the schools and conveys false information. The student acknowledged doing this to get out of class.

There are no known threats to any Pasco County Schools.
This is the fifth arrest made by the Pasco Sheriff’s Office related to school threats in the previous two weeks. PSO urges parents and guardians to speak with their children about the consequences of making threats, which can include possible legal ramifications, including arrest. Even threats made as a joke have real consequences.

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